Chinese Style Acupuncture
There are many, many different styles of acupuncture originating from different
countries in the Far East. Chinese Style acupuncture involves using slightly
thicker needles and evoking a "de qi" sensation when the needles
are inserted in to the points. This is a sensation that is hard to describe,
but is sometimes known as "electrical." Some people find this sensation
slightly painful, but it can be beneficial because the qi has been accessed
by the needle and the sensation itself only lasts for a very few seconds. This
style of acupuncture is very useful in painful conditions such as sciatica,
rheumatic pain, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder etc. and also works
on an emotional level.
Chinese style acupuncture involves making a TCM
diagnosis arrived at by asking the patient several questions, looking at the
tongue and taking the pulse, before choosing the specific points for a treatment.